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How to Fix Honey Extension Not Finding Coupons

How to Fix Honey Extension Not Finding Coupons

Basically every couponer knows and has tried Honey. Coupon finders like Honey did help us save a lot of time, but they are far from perfect—many shoppers are reporting issues of Honey, such as not finding coupons, coupons not applying and not showing up in Amazon, Shein, Walmart, etc.

But don’t worry. Even when Honey is not working for you, there’re still ways you can save.

Why is Honey not working?

Honey has been around for quite a long time. And among the many issues Honey users have experienced, the most prominent ones are Honey not finding any coupons and promo codes not working. Sometimes you can see a coupon in Honey, but at checkout the code doesn’t apply or gives zero discount.

One reason is that Honey doesn’t really support the store you’re in. If you’re talking about major retailers like Amazon, Walmart and Shein, then it’s understandable—these sites are already big enough and don’t need coupons to promote sales. But the bummer is, sometimes Honey won’t find coupons for some small stores either.

Coupon finders have their own sources, but some working codes are actually user-submitted. In other words, you might not get an actual code in some stores without others’ contribution.

What to do when Honey isn’t working?

First you need to check if Honey supports this store. To do that, you can search the target store in the Honey store page. If it does and you can’t find any coupons, chances are Honey doesn’t have any working coupons at the moment.

You might not need to remove Honey when it doesn’t give you coupons. Instead, you can expand the coupon coverage by getting its alternative: Coupert .

Also being a coupon finder, Coupert is a late comer that shows huge potential. While Coupert gives you discounts in as many stores as Honey does, it too works pretty well with niche products—our test shows that in some stores Coupert finds more promo codes and even gives a bit more on cash back. So you can keep them both just to see which one has coupons for the store, and which one gets you bigger cash back.

  1. To get more coupons, first add Coupert to your browser.

  2. Open a store and you’ll see all the promo codes in Coupert.

Each time you buy from one of 7,000+ stores, you earn Gold in Coupert, which you can later redeem for cash.

Save more with ExtraBux

If you’re looking for a way to maximize your savings, you should take a look at ExtraBux, an international cashback platform. With Extrabux, you get up to 30% of your purchase price back when you buy from one of 10,000+ participating stores. To start getting cash back on your normal purchases, just sign up for free and start shopping.

ExtraBux might not be as handy as coupon extensions. But you can test all the platforms and see which one gets you the best deal.

By Marcus Liang

Marcus brings a wealth of expertise to SuperEasy with his diverse background. Over the past three years, he has contributed hundreds of insightful articles on various topics such as technology, deal hunting, and life hacks. With a strong expertise in technology, he has helped many readers troubleshoot technical issues and tackle other real world challenges. In addition to his in-depth computer knowledge, Marcus is also a dab hand at programming and web development, which makes him a pro at online research and data mining.

Outside of work, he manages dozens of cloud servers and homelabs, which gives him valuable insights into networking and cybersecurity yet constantly keeps him awake at night. Apart from his technology background, Marcus is also a seasoned fitness enthusiast with seven years of experience in crafting tailored fitness and diet plans. Financial-wise, he's well-versed in the world of credit cards. With a passion for personal finance he is always on the hunt for tricks to maximize rewards and save money.

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