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Best home gym equipment to order online – September 2023

Best home gym equipment to order online – September 2023

With major gym chains temporarily closing their doors to curb the COVID-19 outbreak, you are probably spending more time at home and moving your workout routines indoors.

Fortunately, it’s never been easier to work out at home. No matter what fitness activity you’re into, there are now countless websites offering free, professional advice, and plenty of free apps available to track your progress.

The only question is, do you have all the gear you need to work out at home, properly?

If not, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together this guide to help you find all the best home-gym gear, so you need to take your home workouts to gym-level – and beyond.

7 items is all you need!

For the perfect home gym, you need just 7 items:

  1. TRX Suspension Trainer
  2. Resistance Bands
  3. Kettlebells
  4. Light Weights
  5. Foam Rollers
  6. Jump Ropes
  7. Yoga Mats

1. TRX Suspension Trainer at

The TRX (short for Total Resistance exercise) works every part of your body and helps you develop strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability all at the same time. It uses only your body weight, forcing you to engage your midsection and back throughout every movement.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or an exercise elite, you can benefit from training with TRX straps. 

And the best part? The TRX strap takes up no place and can be used anywhere, at any time. Inside, you can anchor it to doors, rafters, or beams, and outdoors to poles, trees, or posts. It just fits into your life!


2. Resistance Bands at Amazon

Resistance bands are one of the most inexpensive, versatile, convenient pieces of workout equipment you can own.

Whether you use them for warm-ups, stretching, general fitness or yoga, they add an extra challenge to your workout by maintaining constant tension on your muscles and helping you work more muscle groups. This makes them the ideal home gym companion.

Training with the band enables you to not only work your major muscle groups but also target smaller stabilizing muscles that are often forgotten.

Plus, resistance band kits are perfect for frequent travel. They fit easily in any suitcase, and you can simply roll them up to store in a drawer after you finish training.


3. Kettlebells at TITAN FITNESS

If you want to improve your overall strength and muscle-tone, but don’t feel like storing bulky weights at home, consider investing in a set of kettlebells!

Kettlebells look like cannonballs with a handle and, unlike dumbbells and barbells, they’re designed to be swung around. They’re an extremely versatile and powerful way to work out, and can be used in a variety of strength and endurance exercises, including squats, jerks, snatches and more. Whether you’re new to strength training or just getting bored with your go-to dumbbell moves, a kettlebell set is the way to go.


4. Light Weights at GYM Direct 

Weight training can help recruits slow-twitch muscle fibers, enhance muscular endurance and keep your body fat burning for hours after the training. So if you’re looking to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time, lifting weights is a perfect option!

While the popularity of hard-core HIIT and CrossFit workouts may give you the impression that maxing out with heavy barbells is crucial to build muscle, it’s actually not necessarily the case. Lifting lighter weights and doing more repetitions can be as beneficial as lifting heavy weights with fewer repetitions. So, if you’re not into heavy lifting or you just don’t have to space at home for a bench and barbell, get yourself a set of light weights and start training now!


5. Foam Rollers at Amazon

A foam roller is cylinder-shaped and made of dense foam. It’s an effective tool to restore the proper length-tension relationship of your muscles.

Foam rolling before or after a workout can help decrease muscle fatigue and improve your performance, so you can get the most out of your workout and experience less post-exercise soreness.

Plus, you can use it to perform a deep tissue massage at home, by lying on it and suing your body weight. It’s easy you can do it every day.


6. Jump Ropes at Amazon

Jumping rope is a simple yet high-intense workout that anyone can do. It’s one of the most effective cardio exercises around, because of its range of motion, calories burned, and heart rate impact. (Studies show that just 10 minutes of jumping rope can be equivalent to a 30-minute jog.)

So as long as you have a bit space above your head, jumping rope is the perfect home workout.


7. Yoga Mat at Manduka

Whether you’re a total newcomer to yoga or a long-time enthusiast, a proper yoga mat is essential. It can make or break your practice. Just make sure you buy one like the Manduka yoga mat, pictured above. It’s durable and grippy, without being sticky.

Of course, you can use a yoga mat for other workouts too – like pilates or just good old sit-upda and push-ups.


Hopefully this post provides you with some home workout inspiration and ideas. If you have any questions or suggestions, please share with us in the comments below!

By Ellie Zhuang

Ellie has been writing about technology since 2019. Her early passion for adventure novels, games, and videos fueled a deep curiosity for solving real-world puzzles.

Writing gives her a chance to nourish this curiosity, allowing her to delve deep into the vast depths of the internet, emerging with treasure troves of information and then sharing her findings with people who need the information to solve their everyday challenges.

Her innate problem-solving nature keeps her on a perpetual quest for tech solutions, online shopping tips, and life hacks that sprinkle a bit of magic into our daily routines. At Super Easy, she has been crafting how-tos, guides, and product roundups, making both our professional and personal lives a whole lot simpler.

Apart from writing, she's also a talent scout, on a mission to unearth hidden gems of creativity by recruiting new writers for the team. On top of that, she takes on the role of managing communications with our valued partners.

When she's not weaving words, you'll find her enjoying sitcom marathons, exploring virtual reality adventures on her Quest 2, and unleashing her culinary creativity in the kitchen. It's all part of her quest to make life more enjoyable, both on and offline.

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