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Best Robot Vacuum For Pet Hair 2023 – Consumer Reviewed

Here are our top picks for the best robot vacuums at picking up hair from your dog or cat on 2023.

Best Robot Vacuum For Pet Hair 2023 – Consumer Reviewed

Does your pet shed like crazy? If you’re troubled by pet hair, a robotic vacuum can save you from housework. We review many robot vacuums and list the best robot vacuums for pet hair.


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iRobot Roomba J7+

iRobot Roomba j7+ (7550) Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum

  • Best for avoiding pet poo
  • Empties itself for 60 days
  • Smart Mapping
  • Works with Alexa

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Our standard of best robot vacuums for pet hairs

When choosing the best robot vacuums for pet hair, we’re not only looking for a robot vacuum that can effectively remove pet hair from your floors; but also care about the ability to avoid pet poop and other important functions that are important for pet families.

What to consider:

☑ Robot vacuum can avoid pet poop
☑ Less annoying noise
☑ Powerful cleaning performance
☑ With obstacle avoidance
☑ Good mapping system and the ability to set restriction areas.
☑ App-control
☑ Auto-recharge

It’s important to note that all of these robot vacuums will require regular maintenance, such as cleaning the brushes and filters, to ensure optimal performance and effectiveness in removing pet hair.

Roomba j7+

Best choice for pet owner whose pet has issues

Roomba j7+ is generally the best choice if you have pets (and especially carpets) because they’re the only robots that can effectively pick up pet hair and avoid pet waste. It’s the best choice for pet owners who are looking for a hassle-free cleaning experience.

When your vacuum runs over pet poop or piss on the floor, it’s a nightmare. Cleaning that and the vacuum is not fun. Roomba j7+ guarantees to avoid pet waste, which saves pet owners whose pets have issues. iRobot promises that if your Roomba j7+ robot encounters pet waste, they will replace it at no cost.
Not to mention Roomba j7+ has strong suction power and specialized brushes that can effectively pick up and remove pet hair from your floors. With the Roomba j7+ robot vacuum, you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Photo by iRobot

You can also connect Roomba j7+ to your Home Assistance instance and vacuum it as soon as you leave the house and stop when you return. Some users even claimed to have never mopped or vacuumed in their homes since purchasing it.

If the Roomba j7+ self-empty robot vacuum is out of your budget, try the Roomba j7 at a cheaper price.

Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL RV1001AE

Budget choice for self-empty features

Shark IQ Robot is perfect for pet owners who want self-empty features. This robot vacuum has powerful suction and a self-empty dustbin that holds up to 30 days of dirt and debris. You won’t have to constantly empty the dustbin, making it easy to maintain and keep clean.

If your pet doesn’t have issues, the Roomba j7+ is not a perfect choice. Shark IQ has powerful suction, making it ideal for removing pet hair, people’s long hair, and other debris from carpets and hard floors. The Shark IQ is smart enough to track areas where it has been and where it still needs to go, even if it needs to dump the bin or charge, so it can easily cover a 3-4 bedroom house. The Shark IQ Robot RV1001AE has a long-lasting battery, enabling it to clean an entire level of your home without needing to be recharged.

The vacuum cleaner is also compatible with popular voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing you to control it using voice commands.


Eufy RoboVac G30

Eufy RoboVac G30 is a budget-friendly option that has strong suction power and specialized brushes that can effectively pick up pet hair. As a more affordable option, it pretty much covers everything and works well.

It has powerful suction that effectively cleans carpets, hard floors, and other surfaces, leaving your home spotless. The RoboVac G30 is equipped with advanced navigation technology, including a Smart Dynamic Navigation System and multiple sensors, which help it navigate your home and clean thoroughly and efficiently.

Some pets will be frightened by the noise, but the Eufy RoboVac G30 operates at a low noise level, which is more friendly to pet owners who are sensitive to noise. With strong battery life, the RoboVac G30 can clean for up to 100 minutes on a single charge, allowing it to clean large spaces without the need to stop and recharge.

Compared to other robotic vacuums on the market, the Eufy RoboVac G30 is an affordable option that offers high-end features and performance at a fraction of the cost.


Roborock S7 MaxV

Roborock S7 MaxV is famous for its superior cleaning system. The S7 MaxV is equipped with a powerful motor and intelligent algorithms, making it capable of deep cleaning carpets and hard floors. The robot also features a mopping system, allowing it to clean and sanitize your floors.
The main brush is no longer bristled and works like a charm. They’ve designed the main brush so well that hair will accumulate on both ends of the roller, but easy to remove. There is no need to cut with scissors.

The S7 MaxV features an advanced navigation system, using LIDAR mapping to create a detailed map of your home. This ensures that the robot cleaner can clean every nook and cranny in an efficient and thorough manner.

Do you know that the S7 MaxV has a long-lasting battery? This combination allows S7 MaxV clean for up to 3 hours on a single charge. When the battery is low, the robot will automatically return to its charging dock to recharge.

You can use Home Assistant, and choose this vacuum to schedule or send the vacuum to go in certain rooms when you leave.

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Overall, the Roborock S7 MaxV is a great choice for those looking for a powerful and efficient robot vacuum cleaner that can handle the cleaning needs of even the busiest households.


Things to consider when buying a robot vacuum

There are a few things you need to consider when buying a robot vacuum.

  • Maintenance requirements: regular maintenance & replacement parts
  • Auto-scheduling features: to save more time
  • Power requirements: battery life and time of charge
  • Dust bin: dust bin size and the process for emptying

Things to watch out for when choosing a robot vacuum

  • Check the height of your low furniture. The height of the robot vacuum is fixed, the one you pick may not be able to go through your furniture. Your robot vacuum may get stuck.
  • Things that could be easily knocked over like speaker stands, vases, planters, etc.
    If it’s a bump-type vacuum, they can hit things pretty hard and knock them over.
  • Things are often left on the floor. If you have kids who leave clothes or socks out, you need to pick a smart robot vacuum, otherwise, you’ll have a bad time.

Also, don’t buy cheap knockoffs. They might look similar, but more than anything, you want smarts.

By Iris Zheng

I have worked as a content writer for years and have found great joy and meaning in this profession. As a member of a company's writing team, I have benefited from continuous training and learning opportunities. These experiences have not only improved my research skills and learning abilities but have also enabled me to quickly find valuable and accurate information in the vast sea of data.

My previous work in banking instilled meticulous work habits in me. I carefully inspect and verify information I collect with the aim of providing readers with authentic and reliable content. My skills and cautious nature not only allow me to offer robust support to readers in my professional life but also position me as a source of information and advice for my family and friends in my personal life.

I derive immense enjoyment and a profound sense of accomplishment from assisting others. If my articles are able to assist you in any way, it would be both an honor and a personal achievement. This motivation will continue to inspire me to pursue constant improvement and produce more valuable content.

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